These are the questions that she would like me to answer.
1.what is your favourite book or movie?
My favourite movie is Titanic, I could literally watch it a hundred times.
2. If you could have one super power what would it be?
To have all the super powers, like I could absorb other peoples.
3. If you could meet one person in the whole world and spend a day with them who would it be?
Jared Leto, I would love to see what he does every day.
4. What/who do you appreciate the most in your life.
My parents, they've been there so much for me I can only hope that they see how much I appreciate it.
5. Where is your dream place to live?
Brighton and I don't know why, I've never been there but it seems lovely.
6. What is your favourite memory?
Wow big question, probably seeing 30 Seconds to Mars at Belsonic.
7.Is there anything you would change in your life?
Yes a few things but overall I'm happy.
8. If you could choose to live in a certain period in time what would it be? ( eg 1950 or 70's)
I would have loved to have been alive in the 20's, I love the fashion and lifestyle, it seems so extravagant.
9. Any regrets?
Yes, The main one will be not seeing Grandad before he died.
10.In 10 years what would you like to be doing?
Hopefully living in England somewhere blogging and being a stylist. *fingers crossed*
11. Your guilty pleasures?
I love cheesy 80's music and really bad Reality TV.
These were great questions, I nominate
- A small girl in a big ol' world
-Alishas Attic Of Beauty
-Sophie Said
-Any one reading this that would like to take part.
- A small girl in a big ol' world
-Alishas Attic Of Beauty
-Sophie Said
-Any one reading this that would like to take part.
Here are your questions:
1. What was your favourite concert that you've been to?
2. What was your favorite birthday?
3. If you were given the opportunity to do what you've always wanted to do but that would mean leaving all your friends and family behind would you do it ?
4.Favourite Youtuber?
5.Favourite Blogger?
6.Would you go back in time to change something in your past?
7. Is there a place in the world that you've travelled to that you really didn't want to leave?
8.What would your last meal ever consist of?
9.Which celebrity would you Style-Steal?
10.Favorite make up brand?
11. Whats your go-to fashion website ?
Tell me in the comments below when you've answered them so I can go check out your answers :)
Happy Blogging :).